ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials

ASP (Active Server Pages) is a server-side technology that allows you to design web pages that are not affected by the browser you use. When a ASP file is requested by a browser, an ASP engine will read the file, execute code, and return results to browser. When it comes to ASP, it is most commonly run on the Microsoft web server, IIS (Internet Information Server). ASP pages run best on this web server. ASP is language is a language-independent scripting technology. It supports the two most common scripting languages – Jscript and VBScript. It also supports Perl and a few other scripting languages.
What is an ASP file?
Any file with the extension “.asp” is an ASP file. It is no different than an HTML file and will be treated a similar way. The main difference is an ASP file contains server-side scripts along with HTML. Those scripts are executed on the server.
Why is ASP useful?
It can help make your web page dynamic by allowing you to add, change, edit, or customize any content on a web page. Can respond to data or queries from HTML forms. ASP allows web pages to access databases/ server data and return results to browser. ASP code adds additional security because the code cannot be viewed in browser. Along with that it offers speed and simplicity.
Difference from HTML code?
For a normal HMTL file, the browser requests the file and the server returns the file without doing anything fancy. When a browser tries to request a ASP file, the server requests an ASP engine to read the ASP file and it then executes server scripts in the file.